After some thought and experimentation, I chose this as the main area of the Space Patrol Mathematics and Science Console since it was alreadya one of the highest level calculators I could find. enven better than the straight up EniG "scientific" calculator which I started with. The EniG calculator for chemists with notebook is a fully functioning JavaScript slide rule calculator. Its onboard chemistry functions make it an actual "scientific" calculator. The added enhancements make it more so and the "Notebook" makes it a one-of-a-kind. This calculator can be used as common scientific calculator (sin, cos, log, power, root, memory), but it also includes a molecular weight calculator and the tables with various physical and chemical constants. The calculator contains a list with task history, storing all the recent inputs and results. Scientific calculator displays the numbers rounded to a user-specified number of decimal places.. This is one of the few truely scientific calculators. It comes with additional built-in fucntions for chemistry and constatns. Further, it has been augmented by the addition of other, scientifically oriented functions. Like a lookup for a periodic table of the elements, enhanced contamts acess. table lookup and more chemistry software: The EniG dictionary and a javascript molarity calculator. it also links to the two other parts of the "Math and Science Console". One built around Geometry, Trigonometry, Hyperbolas, Equations and Graphing. and an RPN super calculator.


This is one of the more unusual features: it takes the reesuts from the calculator and puts them in a separate display. Even if you use CLS, the Notebook retains what it has. These rusults can be cleared or selected for other use or you can Reset the notebook


  1. press the constants key in the main keyboard and a window will display
  2. Locate the constant you wish to use
  3. click on the "=>" image on the estreme right side of the row containing the selected constatnt
  4. when you close the contants window by clicking on the x in the upper right corner, the selected number will be in the lower calculator display screen, ready to use.


MODIFICATIONSa:: Key color to black for visual contrast enhancement bgcolro to silver tor metallic look Movement of this manual to a saparte page and expansion of it. Setting the Default decimal place to 15 which is the scientific standard DOUBLEPRECISION+1
INBOARD ENHANCEMENTS: Access to addistional constants tables. Addition of Acess to two Periodic Tables of the Element; the EniG site table and a local spare. Four sets of Units Conversion, Number Base Conversion and an Astronomical Calculator/Converter.
OUTBOARD ENANCEMENTS: the general instruction manual. Table lookup functions including acess to a local 4-page pdf file of tables and forumulae. These include data on the Solar System, stars and constellations and Electronic Resistors. Also the addition of a Global Operators section.

Entering expression

Type your expression directly onto the input line or copy and paste an expression from another programs. When you finish entering your expression, pres ENTER or click [=] button.

Rules for typing expression

Angle measure

In trigonometric calculations, angles are interpreted as radians (default) or degrees, depending on mode setting (Deg or Rad mode).

Number formats

Results can be rounded to a user-specified number of decimal places (max 15-digit). This calculator can round mantissa under scientific notation, also. For example, numbers rounded to a 4 digit like this: decimal number 3.5269, integer number 35269.0000 and scientific number 3.5269 e-31. MODIFICATION: The default value is set to 15 (.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) as this is DOUBLEPRECISION, the standard in scientific computations, plus 1

Arithmetic operators

To perform basic mathematical operations use the following arithmetic operators: addition (+), subtraction / minus sign (-), multiplication (*) and division (/)

Positive numbers

Enter a positive number by pressing the appropriate digit keys (or buttons) and, if necessary, the decimal point key [.]. Period and comas are equivalents as decimal separator in numbers (3,2 + 4.3 = 7.5).

Negative numbers

Negative numbers are obtained by simple putting the minus sign (-) before the number.

Scientific notation

Use standard calculator notation for scientific notation, for example 1e-5 is 0.00001; 1e+3 or 1e3 is 1000. Enter the mantissa as the positive or negative number, and then click [E] button or just type lower e and type exponent as the positive or negative number.


Operations with the same precedence are performed from left to right, with operations enclosed in parentheses performed first. If parentheses are nested, the operations enclosed in the innermost set of parentheses are performed first. All types of parentheses are correct, for example 25.3/(K3[Fe(CN)6]).

Chemical formulae

Physical constants

Clicking the Constants button expand of Scientific calculator for chemists you get access physical constants table. Click the button near constant that you want to insert into expression.


2+5-3.25 = 10.25
8+7+(42-16)*3 = 90
8+7+[(42-16)-7]*3 = 72
5*-7 = -35
7e-6/3e-9 = 2333.3333333333
H2SO4 = H*2+S+O*4 = 1.00794*2+32.066+15.9994*4 = 98.079

Last modified: 17.12.2001
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